mardi 27 mars 2012

Email Marketing Tips

Email marketing is a simple way to build a group or a community around your product/service.But where do you start? It can be confusing and frustrating without some direction. This set of expert email marketing tips are sure to help you begin building your lists and making profits. Learn more about email templates.

1. Email Marketing Service Review

Email Marketing Tips(C) 2008 Jupiterimages
Choosing a great email marketing service can be challenging. Check out this set of email marketing service providers and make a decision quicker.
Included are their basic services provided at the entry price level. Also check out reviews for Campaigner and Constant Contact.

 Email Marketing Tips from Justin Premick of AWeber2. Why You Need Email Marketing Advertising for Your Online Business

According to the Direct Marketing Association (DMA): “Email delivers the highest ROI (return on investment) by an eye-popping margin: a whopping $57.25 for every dollar spent on it”. (2005)
I know what you’re thinking: “Email marketing has been around forever – I get 23 marketing emails every day.” Our overflowing in-boxes are proof that email is used (overused) by many companies.
This article covers two principal points:
  1. Why you should still consider this for your business
  2. How to evaluate email marketing providers
Justin Premick, AWeberCourtesy of AWeber
Justin Premick is Director of Education Marketing for AWeber Communications. He recently took a few minutes for a Q&A with Bryan Haines.
Justin explains the basics and gives some great email marketing tips.
Read the full interview to get all the great tips!
Check out AWebers $1 30-Day Trial.

4. Email Marketing Tips from Tom Kulzer, AWeber CEO

Tom Kulzer, CEO of AWeberCourtesy of AWeber
Tom is CEO of email marketing leader AWeber, and he offers some exceptional business building email marketing tips.
Tom has great tips on how to build a responsive following and how to avoid being considered a spammer.
Read the full interview to get all the great tips!
Check out AWebers $1 30-Day Trial.

5. Email Marketing Tips from Mélanie Attia of Campaigner

Mélanie Attia, Product Marketing Manager for CampaignerCourtesy of Campaigner
Mélanie Attia is the Product Marketing Manager for Campaigner, an email marketing solution that enables organizations to have personalized one-to-one email dialogues with their customers, measure how they respond, and analyze those responses.
Read the full interview to get all the great tips! Check out the Smart Email Builder Review.
Try Campaigners Free 30-Day Trial!

6. Email Marketing Tips from Mike Pugh of Campaigner

Mike Pugh, Vice President of Marketing, j2 Global Communications, Inc.Courtesy of j2 Global Communications
Mike Pugh is vice president of marketing at j2 Global Communications, Inc., a pioneering provider of cloud-based services. Campaigner is a division of j2 Global.
Campaigner is an email marketing firm. They offer a full set of tools and templates to get started in email marketing. Mike recently responded to a Q&A covering everything from the basics of email marketing to how they market as a company and the future of email marketing.
Read the full interview to get all the great tips! Check out the Smart Email Builder Review.
Try Campaigners Free 30-Day Trial!

1 commentaire:

Unknown a dit…

Email marketing plays a very important role in the whole business process. It is one of the easiest and affordable ways of marketing. Comm100 Email Marketing also provide email marketing software and services to businesses. I am sure lots of people will get benefits.

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