mardi 27 mars 2012 Profile

What is Blogarama is a basic search engine for blogs. It doesn’t include the quality ranking of Technorati or Blogcatalog.
Class of tool: Blog Search Engine
Other blog search engines: View the definitive list.
From Blogarama: Blogs have taken the online world by storm and thousands of people visit this site every day looking for them. If you have a product or service that you think would interest our visitors, this is the place to advertise!
Cost: Basic account is free. Premier account is a onetime charge of $10. Seems to offer lots of fluff features, like a nice heart icon beside your listing, and 200 more characters in your profile listing.
What makes it different? Nothing really. It seems to have the same, or maybe less, features as the other sites. They do request a $10 bribe to increase your ranking. While this does make it different, a promoted blog should be based on quality of the blog and not on the ability (or desire) to pay ten bucks.
Popularity: Alexa site ranking: 23,331 (worldwide traffic rank) with 15109 sites linking in.
Who is using? The site doesn't provide any stats, but with the above ranking, it is being used.
Ease of use: A very simple account setup and submission form. A one page form does everything. Within 1 to 10 days, you'll be listed.
Time to setup: A few minutes
Time to maintain: No maintenance time, unless some details change on your blog.
What you need to know: This is a less used little sister of the big boys: TechnoratiKlout andBlogCatalog.
Bottom line: If you are going to spend hours every week blogging, why wouldn't you take three minutes to submit? But don't expect traffic floods from this search engine.

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yecin Dridi. Fourni par Blogger.